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Lunkerhunt 2" Yappa Frog-Floating, 1/4oz

Lunkerhunt 2" Yappa Frog-Floating, 1/4oz

Regular price $11.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $11.99 CAD
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The Lunkerhunt Yappa Frog is a hollow bodied topwater frog that ploughs the water surface. The Yappa Frog mimics a frog swimming on the water surface and is capable of generating several different topwater actions. On a straight retrieve, the Yappa Frog produces a tight shimmy action. Working it on slack line, will generate wide swings.

The Yappa Frog is 2.25 inches long, weighs .07 Oz, and has silicone skirts for legs.

The Yappa Frog also features the flexible transparent bill that generates amazing action and makes the Lunkerhunt Yappa Series truly unique.

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